Here's a disk of copper that at least started out at 8 inches, its about 7" now since i hit it a few times.
Here it is bashed out and drawn on with the ever faithful Asda initiation Sharpie. Notice the plasticine all round the back.
There it is, black and cooked looking after bashing out the design then flaming it prior to polishing. I didn't dunk it in water to quench it, do that and all the black falls straight off, so i let it cool a bit..
This is the back, an aspect that i take little heed of usually, but its interesting to see i think. See the mankyness of the copper after heating and generally being treated badly.
Ah ha the hand of hammers! It shows its a shallow bowl too, and the neglected nature of our tiny garden. Generally the main gardeners are three hens that live in the garden, they eat anything green and chase cats...and invade my shed.
There it is finished as well as i can do anyway. Would you call it a pin dish? Its quite shallow to eat corn flakes out of..
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