i wondered off a bit...

So what's happened? Not a lot to be truthful. Been wandering about been distracted, been having a rest from copper. But Saturday (its Thursday evening now) we have to go to a friends wedding, they are getting married on their farm, in fact on an ancient earthwork (though the farmer reckons it more likely where a previous farmer buried a combine harvester). So what could be better for a wedding present than a bowl ah....well a lot of things, but i work with what i have so a bowl is what they are getting.  This is the failed Pin Up bowl. For days i have been seeking inspiration and found none. Until i chanced on the ancient farm tractor and thought it coudl do with a lift...Here it is with wings! As you can see its just pen now, and it might not work out, but hell i have other bowls, ones im supposed to be selling.....report back tomorrow see if it works in any way at all.


  1. The tractor angel cometh right??? Ahh I love that I hope it works out well!

  2. so far so good-ish.... and i have plenty of time to finish it...looks at clock..oh..
