Well another small bowl is in the making, in between taking the mother in law shopping and marathon tea drinking, today i started this one. As you see i've moved the tree stump inside the shed. There's comfort for you. t5eh stump has hollows in it made by me burning coal on its top, it was the only way i could think to make a hollow. that was before i realised you only really need a very shallow dip, certainly nothing like a bowl mould. So if you want to have a stump just hammer a bit if it with a big hammer, that should do it.
This is the same round, hammered too many times to think about and waiting edge rolling and the final hollows taking out. Oh and i've hammered it with the good hammer all over, tomorrow, between onerous family responsibility's, i hope to draw something on it .....i say eight inches, its started out eight inches but now its seven and a half...not due to exaggeration but due to natural shrinkage when its sinks in the middle.
The design for this one is to be worked out. My brain hurts!
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